Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

Goodbyes are a natural part of life. But on the Africa Mercy they are almost a constant part of life. Every weekend a number of crew walk down to the dock for the dreaded dock goodbye. Little groups of people hugging, laughing, and crying with "come visit me in this and that country" floating through the air before the land rovers carry those departing around the corner to pick up those replacing them. 
And before getting adjusted to not having this or that close friend around, a new smiling face is there waiting to make new friends, asking the same old questions that you were so excited to ask upon arrival. "Where are you from?", how long are you here?", "what department are you in?"etc... And the last thing you want to do is answer because you don't want to make new friends just to say goodbye to them too. But once this little cloud of depression passes you realize you need to make new friends and it really isn't that bad. And so this cycle continues week after week. Just another unique part of Mercy Ships.

Miss all my ladies who've been on the leaving end of the goodbyes!

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